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Simple, Secure, Efficient !
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  Expert 1024GB VPS 105USD
100GB SSD RAID1 disk space
3GB Memory, 1024GB Traffic
CIF Tech

About Our Servers
Our hosting solutions take the advantage of the following:
* Free Set Up
* Full root access
* Fully Burstable 100 Mbps Connection
* Serial console access to your server via SSH
* Remote reboot via user friendly web interface
* Emergency network rescue boot option via web interface
* Ability to reinstall your OS at any time via web interface
* Backup management via web interface
* Support via Email/Tickets 24/7. Phone support during business hours (8-18 M-F)

CIF Tech servers have Intel XEON E5405 Quad-Core or AMD Opteron 2344 HE, Quad Core Processors, 16-64 GB DDR3 memory and 2000 GB RAID Edition hard drives
* Operating System is CentOS 32/64-Bit Linux
* Virtualization platform: OpenVZ and/or XEN
* Control Panel for VPS managemen: HyperVM
* Control Panel for resellers: Kloxo (formerly LxAdmin)
* On request, we can install Plesk, CPanel/WHM, DirectAdmin, Webmin

  • Intel Xeon Quad Core Processors
• Memory starting with 512 MB RAM
• 30 GB RAID 1 disk space or more
• 256 GB traffic or more
• 1 IP address
• Included Control Panel and Backup
• Prices starting from 25USD
CIF Tech Ready to Order a VPS? Click here!
  • Intel Xeon or AMD Opteron Quad Core
• 16 GB DDR3 RAM
• 2x2000 GB RAID 1 disk space
• Bandwidth: 100Mbps
• 1 IP address
• Control panel and Backups included
• Prices starting with 199USD
Ready to Order a DS? Click here! CIF Tech

All CIF Tech EU dedicated servers are located in "Datadock" Datacenter, Strasbourg

US dedicated servers, are located in Silicon Valley Telecom & Internet Exchange, in San Jose, California, USA or in Datotel datacenter in St.Louis Missouri USA

CIF Tech   +402.88.50.64
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CIF Tech CIF Tech
July 27, 2015
Our Virtual Private Servers have fast SSD storage.
February 18, 2015

CIF Tech includes in its offering for EU dedicated servers the option to install Windows Webserver 2008 or Windows Standard Edition 2008

February 11, 2014

We've updated our Virtual Private Servers plans to include more RAM memory, at the same price.

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